How Guys can treat dark circles under their eyes

There are several things you can attempt to get rid of your dark circles without Using cosmetics: Too little sleep typically won’t cause under eye dark circles, but it may make you pale which could cause any dark circles or shadows to appear more obvious.
  • Oranges
  • broccoli
  • strawberries
  • Brussels sprouts
  • kiwis
  • cauliflower

Treat your allergies

Hay fever and other allergies can lead to puffiness and swelling of the skin beneath your eyes. This could result in a darkening of the skin. Your doctor may recommend antihistamines like cetirizine and loratadine.

Stop smoking

Tobacco smoke damages the skin on your face. Among other items, it may break down collagen.

Add an Excess pillow

When you lie flat, fluid can float in your lower eyelids and cause your eyes to become puffy. Look at elevating your head with an extra pillow or 2.

Calm your eczema

Eczema can thin your skin. Talk with Your doctor about what causes your eczema — family cleaners, fragrances, wool — and should you want prescription topical medications such as:
  • corticosteroids
  • PDE4 inhibitors
  • calcineurin inhibitors

Get more exercise

Exercising more frequently and for a longer period of time will boost circulation, resulting in gains for your complexion. Rubbing your eyes can damage the small blood vessels on your eyelids and the skin under your eyes. These broken blood vessels can appear as dark circles.

Wear sunscreen

UVA rays can penetrate deeply into your skin and cause harm to the collagen and elastin which keep your skin youthful.

Remedies for treating

Shrink your blood vessels

Consider using a cold compress in your eyes for about 20 minutes. The cold may decrease puffiness and help shrink blood vessels. This can lead to a diminishment in the look of dark circles.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory properties and moisturizing and antiaging effects on the skin. Before going to bed, then consider massaging aloe vera gel under your eyes and leaving it on for approximately ten minutes prior to cleaning with a sterile cloth or cotton pad. Advocates of organic recovery suggest this may reduce the look of dark circles under your eyes.

Coconut oil

The moisturizing properties of coconut oil promote skin wellness. Natural healers suggest treating dark circles under your eyes by massaging a few drops of virgin coconut oil under your eyes before going to bed and then leaving it overnight.

Tomato juice

In accordance with some 2012 study trusted Source, the phytochemical lycopene found in tomatoes is advantageous to the skin. Proponents of pure healing suggest mixing equal portions tomato juice and lemon juice and then applying this mixture beneath your eyes for about 10 minutes before washing it off with cold water. You can use the mixture twice daily for two to three weeks.

Two untreatable causes of dark circles


You may be genetically predisposed to dark circles under your eyes since your genes influence your skin’s degree of pigmentation.


As you age, your skin will get thinner and eliminate collagen and fat. When that happens under your eyes, the blood vessels are more clear and may cause your skin to appear darker.



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